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7 Ways to Make Any Job a Dream Job

Writer's picture: Dr Charles GlassmanDr Charles Glassman

Updated: Jan 16, 2024

If someone asked you what your idea of a dream job is, would you respond that it is your current position? Chances are you would not. How come? Maybe you have particular expectations of what that job would look like? How much would you make doing it? Or, perhaps, where you would be doing it?

So, if you are like the millions who awaken each morning not looking forward to the workday ahead, here are seven ways to help make any job your dream job.

1. The grass is not always greener

You may think you have an idea of where you would rather be, but I have news for you. The only circumstance you can be sure of, is what you have right here, right now. That’s not to say your dream might not bring you to a better place, but consider what the Dalai Lama XIV once said, “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.”

2. Be part of the team

Finally, in my senior year of high school, I became a key member of a sports team—the track team. I recall those last few months of my high school career as being the most enjoyable. Being part of a team cultivates a sense of meaning and purpose. Know your role and responsibilities on the team; embrace them and deliver on them, with passion—no matter how insignificant you previously thought they were. This will create a great sense of satisfaction.

3. Aim for collaboration instead of competition

All of us have an ego (orchestrated by what I have termed our automatic brain). Some say competition can increase productivity. However, it usually creates more of a hostile, I win-You lose, sort of environment. Embracing a culture of collaboration is not only more productive to the company’s bottom line, but to your personal bottom line. As the tide rises, all boats rise along with it, and that means you, too. Collaboration creates Win-Win situations and they elevate everyone’s sense of possibility.

4. Embrace an attitude of gratitude

Sometimes our dreams can prevent us from seeing what is right in front of us. Even the seemingly most straightforward jobs can offer challenges, learning capabilities, and foster growth that can lead to other opportunities. Appreciating these possibilities will help support an attitude of gratitude. When you practice gratitude for what you have instead of regretting what you don’t, you will actually enable one of my rules: when your intentions are sincere, the right things will happen, at the right time, for the right reasons.

5. Aim to do your best

Not everyone can be the best, but we are all capable of doing our best, no matter what we are asked to do. An important consideration is that sometimes trying to be the best often gets in the way of doing our best. Being the best is usually not possible, for many reasons. However, doing our best is always within our reach. There may be times when you are asked to perform tasks that you may not like or that you may feel are below you. Regardless of that, if you do your best no matter what, it will increase your chances of being recognized, appreciated, and increase your overall job (and life) satisfaction.

6. Be assertive in communication

Being assertive is one of the most misunderstood behaviors. Often we confuse it with being aggressive. However, being assertive is more aligned with collaboration, while aggressiveness is aligned with competition. Being assertive is valuing your voice equal to that of others. Being aggressive is valuing your voice as superior to others. Being passive is valuing your voice as inferior to that of others. When you communicate in an assertive manner, it allows you to share your ideas and feelings in a way that elevates the entire mood around you.

7. Say goodbye to drama

Drama occurs when we react instead of reflecting and responding. Reacting breeds aggressive interactions; while reflecting and then responding cultivates assertiveness. The most primal instinct that we all possess is our fight or flight reaction. When our brain detects potential danger or vulnerability it causes us to fight or flee. In the workplace that may show itself as anger (the fight) or withdrawal, irritability (the flight). You may sense that you are being taken advantage of; your brain will pick that up as a danger. You may sense a threat from your manager or co-worker; your brain will pick that up as a vulnerability. If you are not aware of this dynamic, it is more likely that you will react, rather than reflect and respond. Hence, drama can ensue. But simply being aware of this, can make where you are more worthwhile and fulfilling.


When you implement these seven concepts, you place yourself in a position to transform any job into a dream job. Making the most of where you are today will create stepping stones to a future that will be exciting and full of potential.

© Dr. Charles F. Glassman, CoachMD

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