If you experience insomnia, a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall or stay asleep, you know it can be debilitating. After all, getting a good night’s sleep is essential to maintaining your overall health. If you’re unable to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per night, you may feel extremely lethargic and moody during the day. There’s no need to suffer in silence! Let’s explore some common insomnia remedies to help you sleep again.
Proper Nutrition
What you eat and drink throughout the day can play a role in your sleep quality. Maintaining a healthy diet has many benefits, including high-quality sleep. A diet high in protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will set you up for success. Be sure to eat your dinner a few hours before you head to bed so that your body has time to properly digest the food.
In terms of beverages, limiting your caffeine and alcohol intake is wise. Alcohol can affect the quality of your sleep, and caffeine can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. It’s important to avoid alcohol after dinner and to stop drinking caffeine by midafternoon to increase your chances of a good night’s sleep.
Instead of caffeine, try drinking chamomile or Sleepytime tea before bed. This relaxing ritual can put your mind at ease and make it easier for you to fall asleep.
Consistent Exercise
Another important insomnia remedy to help you sleep again is consistent exercise. Physical activity improves your overall health and makes it easier for you to feel well-rested at night. If you can’t get to the gym, a simple walk around the neighborhood at a moderate pace will provide a boost of endorphins. Since endorphins give you energy, try your best to exercise earlier in the day. You don’t want to experience a rush of adrenaline right before bedtime.
Furthermore, vary your exercise routine when possible to work all the different parts of your body. If you’re physically tired, shutting off your brain at the end of the day and lulling yourself to sleep will be easier.
Increased Relaxation
If you have a high-stress job or a nonstop daily schedule, truly relaxing before bedtime can be difficult. However, if you try to address your most challenging tasks earlier in the day, you can reserve the hours before bedtime for uninterrupted rest and relaxation.
Also, make your bedroom as comfortable as possible so that your brain knows it’s time to sleep. Take some time to dim the lights and eliminate any loud noises. If you own one, a massage chair can help you fight insomnia by providing whole-body relaxation and pain relief. You can also spend some time stretching before you get into bed to relax your muscles.
With the right techniques, you can take control of your insomnia and enjoy the benefits of a restful night of sleep. By maintaining proper nutrition and exercise as well as intentionally focusing on relaxation techniques, you’ll set yourself up for sleep success. Sweet dreams!